Audiorepr Tutorials


pip install audiorepr

Command Line

The package comes with a command line tool audiorepr.

The command line tool audiorepr has several options.

  • -d or --data: file path to a csv file or url of a csv file.

  • -t or --target: audio file to be save as.

  • -c or --column: use a specific column from the dataset. This can be used as many times as one needs to include many columns. If not specified, all columns in the data will be used.

audiorepr create -d path_to_data.csv -t test_package.midi -c DE -c FR

Or using a csv file from a URL

audiorepr create -d -t test_package.midi -c DE -c FR


The module audiolize in audiorepr contains a function audiolizer. audiolizer is the primary function we will need for to generate our audio file.

  • The parameter pitch_columns specifies which columns are being used to create the audio.

import pandas as pd
from audiorepr import audiolize

ecdc = ""

df = pd.read_csv(ecdc)

audiolize.audiolizer(df, target="ecdc-covid19-by-date.midi", pitch_columns=["DE", "AT", "FR"])